The problem with unwanted pests, such as insects and weeds, is that they can invade your home at any time. Insect populations can grow very quickly. A single female mosquito can lay hundreds of eggs within a couple of weeks and you can have an infestation threatening your home before you know it.
Most people get caught off guard when a pest problem takes place. A lot of homeowners who have never dealt with pests before don’t know what to do and how to react.
This is where a professional pest extermination service such as Pointe Pest Control can help out. We have decades of experience in pest control and our professionals can guide you through the steps before, during and after a pest control treatment.
Step 1 – Identify the Problem
The first step to eliminating the pest problem is to find out what you are up against. This can be easy in case of pests that don’t normally hide such as mosquitoes, bees, flies or garden weeds. Flying insects and outdoor pests don’t normally hide and rely on inaction from their host to spread their population.
Crawling insects or pests that burrow underground can be more difficult to identify. Take bedbugs, fleas or rats for instance. Bedbugs can feed on humans and leave without any immediate evidence and people do not even discover they’ve been bitten until after the insect has gone. In this case, small bumps appear on your arms or legs that run in a line.
A baby bedbug can grow into an adult within four weeks and needs to feed only once during each cycle of its growth. Since these insects most come out to feed during the night while you are asleep you won’t even know that you are providing meals for them. Some people only find out that they’ve got a bedbug problem when the numbers have multiplied to dozens. It can become difficult to get rid of them without professional help once the numbers grow past a certain level.
Step 2 – Do Research About Your Pest
If the pest causing problems for you is a parasite it could be feeding on you, your family members, garden plants or pets. Some parasitic pests can cause diseases like malaria, hepatitis and chikungunya that are spread by mosquitoes.
Some pests are also capable of causing structural damage to your property if left on their own such as termites that can eat away the wooden framing of your home.
In order to effectively fight a pest invasion of your home, you should acquire some knowledge about its feeding and breeding habits. Knowing how the insects multiply and spread from one part of your property to another will allow you to take precautionary measures and keep them in check until the pest elimination methods can be applied.
Step 3 – Decide If Action Is Needed
Although all pests are a nuisance, some are more tolerable than others. Pests that transmit disease, damage property and infect your pets or plants are less tolerable and require immediate action compared to pests that do not cause any direct harm.
For instance a couple of spiders that make their home under the eaves at the sides of your property are not that big of problem as long as the webs don’t spread. Raccoons outside your property may not be considered a real threat.
If the pest is not causing direct harm, you may decide that you can live with it as long as the number remains below a certain level.
Step 4 – Explore Treatment Options
Once you’ve made the decision to get rid of pests invading your home, the next step is to determine the method you are going to use and what you can afford.
There are two main ways to get rid of pests. The first is to use pesticides that kill the pests. Not entirely humane, but effective. The second method is to use repellants that drive pests away from your home or use special traps that catch the critters unharmed to be dropped far away from your home. Depending on the nature of the pest, both methods can deliver results. The choice depends on the personal preference of the owner.
In terms of the treatment itself, users can choose between chemical, biological or organic treatment. Chemical treatment is usually the most cost effective when results are considered. It is guaranteed to get rid of pests; however some people don’t prefer it because of the perceived harmful effects to environment and chemical residue.
Biological pest control takes longer to get rid of the problem. Options are limited in terms of what pests can be targeted. While it can reduce pest populations, it may not completely eliminate them. Our skilled technicians can make recommendations based on their findings and provide you with specific options to effectively and safely protect yourself and your family from any pests or treatment concerns you may have.
Step 5 – Get Professional Help
This is where we come in. Pointe Pest Control provides a complete range of pest control services for your home or business property. We have certified exterminators on our team that have been helping property owners get rid of pests for decades. Not only can we help you get rid of any pest problems, our professionals will also provide guidance on how to prevent any future problems on your property.
Step 6 – Take Preventive Measures for the Future
The pest control process doesn’t end once you are rid of the existing problem. Pests like weeds and rodents can return to your home in the future after their next breeding season.
Property owners need to take a proactive and vigilant approach to monitor against future pest invasions. If you notice signs that the pest has come back over time, you may also need to adjust your pest control measures.