What If Pests Had The Day Off?
What If Pests Had The Day Off?
The days that are free from the obligations of work or school have the potential to be exactly what you want them to be. They can be a time for checking as many things off the to-do list as possible, or a day where the only task on the schedule is to “do nothing.” No matter how you like to spend your free time, it’s the best to end the day feeling as relaxed and rested as possible before the normal schedule resumes. But one group that never takes a day off, despite how nice that would be for everyone else, is pests. This sector of creatures all have their own tasks that they naturally complete every day, but what if they were free to take the day off once in a while? This is the question we seek to explore in our fictional-based series all about the imaginary world where pests can spend their time just as we do, including on their days free from responsibilities.
Complete Chores – Termites
For many people, a day free of scheduled responsibilities does not necessarily mean that it will be void of anything productive. If you have the energy and the will, this can be a great time to catch up on housework, bills, organizing, decluttering, or other important tasks. There is a lot to be said of attacking these responsibilities when you have your full mental capacity. One of the pests least likely to ever take a break is definitely the termite. No matter which caste a termite is in – soldier, worker, or swarmer – they do not rest or sleep. They are too busy expanding their cellulose-based tunnels, caring for the eggs produced by the queen, and guarding the nest from intruders. If termites had to take a day off, they would certainly spend it tackling all of their personal responsibilities at home. They would start with their housework, and finish the vacuuming, dusting, window-cleaning, sweeping, and tidying all within a couple of hours, thanks to their high stamina. They would then move on to catching up on their laundry, which they successfully do, then decide to declutter all of their clothes while standing in their closet. When the termite is finally satisfied with the tasks it completed that day, it will happily stand in the middle of their home and look around at the tidiest and most spotless home that this world has ever seen.
Relax and Read – Mice
Mice could be described as homebodies, but the main issue with that is how often their nests are in a house that already belongs to humans. These rodents like to be in dark spaces that are completely hidden from anything larger than them, which is why their favorite house locations are between walls, in crawlspaces, under appliances, and hidden in attics or basements. Within those hidden spaces, the mice build their nests out of torn papery material, like fabric or actual paper. Since they spend so much time in these nests caring for their young – mice can reproduce five to ten times a year – these rodents would definitely enjoy an excuse to spend all day at home on a free day. They would sleep in more than usual, which would be a treat since mice sleep for about 12 hours a day in multiple short segments. The mouse would then try to relax and read at least thirty pages of the book they’ve had on their nightstand for months, and would finally become so enthralled in the story that they actually finish the book. Since mice are so busy scavenging and reproducing for most of their lives, having a day off where they can intentionally relax would be a real treat that they would miss as soon as the work week begins once again.
Visit a Coffee Shop – Fleas
A coffee shop is an amalgamation of productive individuals, talkative friends and couples, and tired families who crave caffeine to keep up with their active children. Whether it’s the local shop on the corner or the newest location of a coffee chain, it can be fun to spend a couple hours in a new environment when the norm is to just go between work/school and home. But the thought of real pests in a coffee shop is a true nightmare, so they should only be allowed to visit in a fictional scenario, like when we discussed how the personalities of pests would dictate their coffee shop activities in a previous blog post. If one pest were to spend the majority of their time off in a coffee shop, it would have to be the flea. These pests never sleep and feast on blood consistently throughout their lives. In fact, as soon as an adult flea begins consuming blood, they can start laying eggs and continue to do so for the rest of their relatively short lives. Since fleas always work hard at laying eggs and eating blood, they would love the excuse to consume more caffeine and work on their personal projects that they push off during the work week. They would start by ordering their favorite drink (a double-shot hazelnut latte), then stake out a table by the window so they can also people-watch. The flea would bring their laptop and try to be productive by working on their budgeting and short stories, but they would keep getting distracted by chatting with their friends that happen to pop into the same coffee shop. These social insects definitely wouldn’t be able to resist connecting with others during their free time.
Go to the Movies – Praying Mantises
The life of a praying mantis is a contradictory one, as it has periods of both aggression and stillness. They will stay in their famous “prayer” stance for as long as it takes until an unsuspecting insect ventures near, then the mantid will strike with their spiky legs and spear their meal before going to a secure place to feast. Praying mantises are also independent and do not spend time with other mantids after their eggs hatch a few weeks after laying them. Whether they go with a friend, their significant other, or alone, the praying mantis would likely enjoy going to the movies on their day off. They would be happy to watch just about anything, as the mantis is not picky about the standards of the movies it watches. Whether it’s the newest indie horror movie or a family-friendly animated film about the power of love, the mantis would just be happy to have an excuse to relax and focus on something other than work for a day. After the movie ends, the mantis would not be satisfied with just the popcorn it purchased earlier, and would go out to eat with the person they visited the movies with. They would enjoy their delicious meal (likely a steak or some other kind of protein), then become excited for the next workday. They would to see if they can discuss the cinematography of the movie with any of their coworkers, as the mantid’s favorite part of any film is all about the camera angles and lighting, rather than the actual storyline.
Start a Backyard Garden – Millipedes
A fun way to spend a day free of scheduled work or school is to finally try that new hobby that is always pushed to the back burner for more pressing duties. This can include learning an instrument, a certain kind of craft, trying a new recipe, or starting your dream garden. One pest that knows the value of a fresh garden is the millipede and its hundreds of legs. In general, millipedes like to eat decaying plant material and decomposing wood, but they will also munch on our live plants when there is nothing else available. Millipedes often get away with this by blending in with the soil, as their dark brown bodies are not very conspicuous when they are at the base of a plant. If they could have the day off from their busy work schedule, millipedes would finally put their green thumb to the test, which will be interesting since insects don’t have thumbs. The millipede would get all of the seed packets they have been gathering for months, then start happily planting the garden of their dreams. They would plant all of their favorite fruits and vegetables, then add a special section for some bright flowers. The millipede would end the day by happily watering their whole garden with their bright green watering can, and be thrilled that they finally have their own beautiful greenery to tend to, and that provides fresh produce that they actually grew rather than destroyed.
Have a Spa Day – Carpenter Bees
All bees are busy bees, both literally and metaphorically, so the carpenter bee is no exception. These bees only live with their specific family unit rather than a whole colony, and their homes are within holes that they create in wooden objects. These giant bees are quite docile compared to other stinging pests, but they still work hard at gathering pollen and nectar and brining the food back to their tiny homes. If carpenter bees had the chance to take some time off from their active work days, they would absolutely use it to treat themselves to a DIY spa day. The bee would set the mood with some relaxing music, then use a honey-based face mask to soften their complexion. It would finally use the lavender bath bomb it received as a holiday gift, and enjoy the peace of a day without scheduled responsibilities and checklists. Once the carpenter bee is finished with its bath, it would then bake some homemade cookies that it shares with its family and friends. This bee always needs something to do, so it wouldn’t mind putting its energy and strength to use in the kitchen. But the bee would ultimately decide that a full day of relaxation isn’t possible, and end up baking a whole feast of cookies to share with everyone, with the best offerings being Honey Butter Cookies, Lavender Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting, and Nectar-Based Blondies.
Enjoy the Best Pest Control Services in Illinois!
As enjoyable as it would be for pests to take a break from annoying everyone, they do not stop for any season or holiday. Even though the temperature is still chilly outside, pests can still cause problems for homeowners and business-owners. Whether it’s scavenging for food or searching for a secure shelter, pests of all shapes and sizes like to be in our spaces much more than we like for them to be. This is exactly why Pointe provides pest control year-round: it is important to solve pest problems as soon as possible, no matter the size of the infestation. We provide preventative and responsive services to fit your needs, and we guarantee complete client satisfaction through our EPA-approved treatments. Contact us to learn more about how our pest control can ensure that your days off are spent doing what you want, not dealing with an army of pests that are treating your home as their own.
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