The Rat Race
The Rat Race
When cold weather strikes and mornings feel crisp, you know that the holiday season is on its way. With that season comes the rat race. Before your mind brings up images of people getting trampled while hunting for an elusive toy, there is a more sinister race occurring and your home is the prize. When the snow descends, your home is a place of sanctuary and warmth, and rats want in. From the warmth to the food, rats love everything about the way you live your life and they will steal from you if they can.
I Smell a Rat
Our dislike for rats extends into our vocabulary. If you have ever stepped into your kid’s room and exclaimed, “Your room looks like a rat hole,” you have an idea what real rats can do when they get into your home. Those large teeth are made for chewing. Rats will bite holes into your walls, tear up furniture, get into your food and leave feces and urine everywhere they travel. When you have a rat problem, you can often smell it long before you see your first rat. The safety of your home may be danger, yet more importantly, your health is too. Rats carry disease. Biologists refer to them as vectors because they transport sicknesses across anything they infest. If you are wondering how sick a rat can be, well, according to the Center for Disease Control, rodents transmit more than 25 different diseases. Some, like rat bite fever can make you really sick, other rat transferred sicknesses can kill you.
Drowned Rat
Before you cry tears of desperation or turn your hair into a “rats nest”, there is hope. Chicago might be the number one city for rat infestations, but your home can be an exception to that rule. When you call Pointe Pest Control, you are calling in the experts. Our technicians mean business. We come prepared to work and will make certain the “rat pack” will be eliminated. Protect your home, your family and your health. If you want to avoid the rat race, you need to call in the professionals with Pointe Pest Control. Give us a call today.
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