How Effective Are These 8 Clothes Moth Repellents?

How Effective Are These 8 Clothes Moth Repellents?

There’s something so oddly frustrating about picking out a trusty sweater to wear that day, only to find it peppered with tiny holes that ruin the whole look. Unless you had an incident that resulted in these holes — getting a sweater caught on the hanger is so frustrating — it’s likely a case of hungry clothes moths!

They’re technically harmless, but these pests still cause plenty of problems by chewing holes in our clothes, carpeting, and upholstered furniture. The good news is there’s no shortage of clothes moth repellents on the market. But the bad news is it’s hard to know if the repellents are actually effective until you try them!

What’s The Deal With Clothes Moths?

clothes moth deal scaled How Effective Are These 8 Clothes Moth Repellents?

First of all, we need to define what a clothes moth is so you know what to look for! There are several species that function as “clothes moths,” but the general idea is the same. They’re usually light beige in color and about 1/4 of an inch long. When there’s a lot of clothes moths in a small space, a musty odor is obvious. They reproduce quickly, so you want to eliminate an infestation ASAP. One female clothes moth can lay up to 50 eggs at a time!

Clothes moths enjoy materials that are natural, for the most part. They devour the fibers and digest the keratin (animal protein) in materials, such as:

  • Wool
  • Cashmere
  • Silk
  • Angora
  • Fur
  • Feathers
  • Mohair
  • Leather

A Note On Clothes Moth Repellents

Next, it’s worth saying that clothes moth repellents are more about preventing them long-term, not ending a full-blown infestation. The different repellents work by targeting their immediate area and repelling moths that get too close. The species of moth doesn’t matter since these methods are said to work against the general group of clothes moths. Natural repellents are meant to deter moths, while chemical repellents kill moths that try to stay in that area.

Now, let’s discuss 8 popular clothes moth repellents and how they work (if at all) against these pests.


clothes moth cedar scaled How Effective Are These 8 Clothes Moth Repellents?

This might be the trendiest clothes moth repellent. It makes sense, seeing as how cedar accomplishes other tasks while it sits in your containers. For one, cedar soaks up moisture and keeps everything dry while it’s in storage. Another perk is that it absorbs unpleasant odors in confined spaces. Don’t be afraid to add a couple cedar rings to your gym shoes!

But back to the clothes moths. Cedar apparently works great against these moths because the strong scent is repulsive to them. It won’t kill clothes moths, so this isn’t a solution to an active invasion. Cedar comes in many forms these days, from rings to chips to blocks. There’s also cedar chests, but these might be more effective because of the chest’s seal rather than the cedar. It may be worth it to try cedar out, if only to keep your stored items smelling fresh.

Worth a Try?: Yes, if you use sandpaper to reactivate the cedar when it’s dried out


clothes moth lavender scaled How Effective Are These 8 Clothes Moth Repellents?

It’s not just for your lotions! Since the scent of lavender is repulsive to clothes moths, it makes for a great repellent. In this context, lavender is usually dried and utilized in sachets. The bags can be placed in different corners of your dresser, storage bins, and chests. One thing to note is that lavender works against adult clothes moths, not larvae. This kind of defeats the purpose because the larvae are responsible for the holes we find in our clothes and carpeting.

Worth a Try?: Maybe, if you don’t have an active clothes moth issue

Moth Balls

clothes moth moth balls scaled How Effective Are These 8 Clothes Moth Repellents?

We’ve arrived at the most famous clothes moth repellent, but not because it’s the most effective. If you’ve ever opened a trunk of your elderly great-aunt’s stored clothes, you might’ve experienced the overwhelming scent of moth balls. These are most effective in closed containers since the scent is strongest in tight spaces. It’s advised to replace them every 6 months, but moth balls are still pretty strong after that (as you know).

An important note to make on moth balls is their toxicity. The solid moth balls gradually release a gas that repels — or even kills — clothes moths. This is due to either of the two chemicals that moth balls have: paradichlorobenzene and naphthalene. As a result, moth balls are toxic to people and animals when ingested. If you choose to try moth balls, make sure they’re completely out of reach from your children and pets.

Worth a Try?: No, because of the toxicity and strong odor


clothes moth vinegar scaled How Effective Are These 8 Clothes Moth Repellents?

Vinegar is a common agent in non-toxic cleaners, so why wouldn’t it be a good repellent? Well, it might not be as effective at repelling clothes moths as we would prefer. Vinegar changes the pH of surfaces that it’s applied to, so it will erase any pheromones left by male clothes moths in that area. It’s also said that vinegar kills clothes moth eggs and larvae, which is exactly what we want. But it doesn’t really repel moths from a certain area. It just works against the moths that are already causing problems in the space where you apply this liquid.

Worth a Try?: Maybe, if you see exactly where the moths are active


clothes moth traps scaled How Effective Are These 8 Clothes Moth Repellents?

Every dog has its day, and every pest has its trap. Clothes moth traps are most effective when they’re placed away from other repellents in an unused area. These traps are sticky, like glue boards, to prevent the captured moths from escaping. Once the odorless pheromones capture the attention of clothes moths, they fly closer to investigate and are stuck on the sticky sheet.

This only really works against male moths because they seek out pheromones emitted by female moths for mating, but traps are still effective in lowering the clothes moth population within your home. If you notice tiny moths in certain storage areas but you can’t find any eggs or larvae, clothes moth traps might be the solution for you.

Worth a Try?: Yes, if you see flying moths in one area


clothes moth vacuum scaled How Effective Are These 8 Clothes Moth Repellents?