Famous Quotes About Pests


Famous Quotes About Pests

Famous Quotes

There are hundreds of thousands of famous quotes in the world. From famous film quotes to quotes from incredible historical figures there is quite a variety of these inspirational, funny, and informative phrases. Here, we’ve collected some of the most notable famous quotes we could find regarding pests.

“The first day, one is a guest, the second a burden, and the third a pest.” – Jean de la Bruyere (French Philosopher)

This 1600’s philosopher may have been referring to houseguests, but his association of pests with the undesirable and troublesome is something that is still very true centuries later. Even in the 1600’s rudimentary pest control treatments were being attempted with infusions of nicotine and arsenic. In both the past and present, pests are a major problem, and even three days is far too long to be dealing with these little troublemakers.

“Agricultural science is largely a race between the emergence of new pests and the emergence of new techniques for their control.” – Aldo Leopold (American Author, Scientist, Ecologist, and Environmentalist)

The first recorded attempt at pest control dates back to roughly 2500 B.C.E. when a clay tablet was inscribed with a Sumerian doctor’s recommendations for warding off pests. Ever since then, we have ceaselessly been a journey to find the most effective as well as safest ways to eliminate pest issues. As technology advances, communication excels, and new information is discovered, the space for new pest control innovations stretches out before us with open arms. Even now, studies are being conducted and inventions are in production for some amazing new methods of pest abatement. To find out more, check out our blog on this topic here.

“Don’t knock the power of a pest. Persistence and stubbornness can be useful in many situations.” – Maria V. Snyder (American Fantasy and Science Fiction Writer)

While this is partially intended to be an inspirational quote, it also speaks a great truth about pests. Many pests including ants, roaches, bed bugs, rodents, and more, are all highly persistent and can be very difficult to get rid of. In particular roaches and bed bugs are particularly stubborn and resilient, requiring very tough treatments to remove them.

“In temperate zones, winter is the best insecticide; it keeps the bugs in check. The tropics enjoy no such respite.” – Gregory Benford (Astrophysicist and Science Fiction Author)

This quote is true for the extremes of the tropics versus the tundra… but if we have such harsh winters in the Chicagoland areas, how do we still have pests? Insects are ectothermic creatures, which means they are cold blooded like lizards. Being ectothermic leaves these creepy crawlies particularly susceptible to the cold, and winter can often be a fatal time of year for many types of bugs, which is why they’ve found different ways to not only cope but survive the inevitable cold each year. These different methods include migration, diapause (an insect version of hibernation), and even just hiding out in warm places such as our homes.

“Ants are the dominant insects of the world… [they] make up two-thirds of the biomass of all the insects.” – E. O. Wilson (Entomologist)

E.O. Wilson, entomologist and author of the Pulitzer Prize winning zoology textbook The Ants, certainly knows what he’s talking about. As an expert on these pests, Wilson’s various quotes shed light on the massive influence and power that ants have in this world. There are approximately 1 quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) ants, made up of 12,000 different species, alive on Earth today. With such an insanely large population, these pests massively outnumber all other creatures on our plant. They operate within large familial populations and strategically work as a unit for the best interests of their colony. The largest ant nest ever discovered was in Europe and stretched over 3,600 miles. The nest was made up of a collection of colonies working in cooperation to construct and expand the intricate merged nest.

“I don’t do bugs.” – Simone Biles (American Olympic Gymnast)

We feel ya, Simone! In fact, most people feel that way, which is why Pointe Pest Control is here to take care of these undesirable insects for you. Our technicians are prepared to take on the creepiest, most annoying, and even dangerous pests so that you don’t have to deal with them.


A Colony of 250,000 Ants Call the Average Anthill Home – Here’s What is Inside Their Mound (2020) MSN. Available at: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/a-colony-of-250000-ants-call-the-average-anthill-home-—-heres-what-inside-their-mound/vp-BBZyqv0 (Accessed: October 2020). Ant Hills (no date) Antkeepers. Available at: https://www.antkeepers.com/facts/ant-colony/ant-hill/ (Accessed: October 2020). Blevins, M. and Hiskey, D. (2019) Where Do Insects Go in the Winter?, YouTube. Today I Found Out. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHc19HHERAo (Accessed: June 2020). C, R. (2018) How Many Ants Live on Earth and # More Interesting Ant FactsAnts.com. Available at: https://ants.com/how-many-ants-live-on-earth-and-more-interesting-ant-facts/ (Accessed: April 7, 2021). Frazier, M. (1997) A Short History of Pest ManagementPenn State Extension. Available at: https://extension.psu.edu/a-short-history-of-pest-management (Accessed: February 2, 2021).

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