The Paper Wasp
Your Chicagoland Guide on Paper Wasps
The Breakdown
Brown/Black |
3/4 – 1 in |
Six |
The Paper Wasp
Paper wasps are about 3/4-1 inch long and are a dark brown black with yellow stripes. These pests spend most of their time gathering fibers from dead wood and plant stems, which they mix with saliva, and use to construct water-resistant nests made of gray or brown papery material.
Paper wasps are social and are very quick workers. A paper wasp nest typically houses a couple hundred wasps and if their nest is somehow disturbed or destroyed, they are sure to have it rebuilt in the same spot within a couple of days. As social wasps, their first instinct is to always protect their nest, especially from ants who love to steal their larvae. Adult female paper wasps are the only ones that are able to sting, and their stings are very painful.
Signs of an Infestation
The best sign of a paper wasp infestation is seeing the insects themselves. Many times you will find them in garages, attics, or wood piles. Another good sign is spotting their paper-made nests. It is important not to approach these nests as these pests are very overprotective when it comes to their nest. Paper wasps have the ability to sting and they deliver a very painful sting. For those who are allergic to their venom, the pain will be even worse. We advise you to contact a professional to safely and quickly remove the wasps from your home.

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